Magic Clown
Fantastic Clowning
& Magic
Puppets & Supplies

Credit Cards Supplies Ordering Information


You have two ways to pay with credit card:

If you have an email address then fill out the online form below, be sure and mark which card you will be using.  You will need the item names and prices of the products you want to order.  Also you will need to total the price without shipping.  (Shipping will be $12.00 or 10% of your order which ever is larger for U.S.A. mainland orders.   Non-mainland and foreign orders will be determined individually.   Shipping charges subject to change without notice)   A confimation email will be sent to you first.  Then after you respond and confirm the order another email will be sent to you from "PROPAY" with the total of the order and a link to a secure server. You will fill in the payment information at that secure site.

If you don't like paying online then click on the order form link below in the green box and print a copy of the order form.  Fill out all the necessary information and mail it to F.C.M.  You credit card order will be processed as soon as it is received.  You can also call the number below and give the order and credit information over the phone.

If you wish to pay by check or money order you can fill out the online order form below or you can click on the order form link below in the green box and print a copy of it on your printer.  Then you can fill it out by placing The number of an item you want, a description of the item- the name in the catalog, the price per piece, and the price for the number of pieces you want.  Total this for all the items you want, add shipping & handling charges, and get a grand total.  Then send a check or money order made payable to F.C.M. to:

Fantastic Clowning & Magic
6757 N. Woodland
Gladstone, MO.  64118
You can also call Lohren Meier at (816) 455-0273 if you have any questions or E-mail him at   An order will not be placed until payment has been received or a credit card has been billed.
F.C.M.Puppet & Supplies Mail In Supplies Order Form
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On Line Puppet Supplies Order Form

Fill in all the Information Requested!

(Only complete this form if you have an email address.

You will receive a Thankyou immediately

and a confirmation email in a day or two.

You must respond to the confimation for the order to be placed.

You must respond to the confirmation to revieve the secure server if that applies.

If no email address, copy the form from the link above

and mail it in with payment or payment information.)



Your name:

Your Street Address:

Your City (Province if foreign):

Your State and Zip Code (Country and code if foreign):

Email address:

Your Home Phone Number

Your Business Phone Number:

How do you wish to pay for your order?

Visa Credit Card (Secure Server will be emailed to you.)
Master Card Credit Card (Secure Server will be emailed to you)
Will Mail a Check
Will Mail Money Order

How did you find the Fantastic Clowning & Magic Puppet & Supplies site?

Search Engine
Web Ring
Repeat Customer

Source of finding our site:

friend & email/search engine/web ring name

Thankyou will be sent (not required).

Site Source:


What kind of products are you most interested in?

Name of items you want to order/1 per line with price.

Number each item, then the name, the Letter & Number code, a couple spaces, and the price.

(Example: 1. David Puppet PRA-01   $80.00)

Shipping will be added by FCM as per info above

and sent with confimation email!


Order Total:

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